Nexus Vehicle Rental

Dear Customer,

Over recent months we have continued to update you on the market supply challenges the industry is facing.

There have been a number of varying factors that have contributed to some of the most difficult trading conditions we have ever seen and unfortunately as highlighted by media reports the supply challenges are in fact worsening. We continue to provide an unrivalled supply chain network but are, like others in the market, encountering a significant lack of vehicles to fulfil the high level of demand.

We have recruited additional staff to manage the increased volume of emails and phone calls driven by recent demand increases. Likewise, we continue to talk daily with our suppliers to understand their vehicle availability now and in the future.

We are also asking our customers to help us with the below points and we ask you share this with those in your team that will make bookings via our platform:

  • If you are thinking of off hiring a vehicle but know you’re likely to need it again shortly, do not off hire as you may not get it replaced
  • Consider alternative travel methods for 1-2 days bookings specifically those that are one-way
  • Do not re-request a booking if the original has already been turned down
  • Continue to use IRIS to place bookings as this remains the most efficient method for you to book with us
  • Book in advance and where possible give as much notice as you can
  • Use Live Chat via IRIS to talk to our agents – it’s the quickest and most efficient method

    Our network of over 235 suppliers ensures we have full visibility of the market supply challenges. Please rest assured that we are doing all we can to meet your needs and that we continue to support you where we can.

    Thank you for your continued support.

    Yours sincerely,

    David Brennan, CEO

    Nexus Vehicle Rental

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    Nexus Vehicle Rental